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Manhattan Insurance and Burglary Protection

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What would you do on a day when you arrived home to discover that you’ve been burgled? Most of us probably don’t think about the steps to take before we experience something like this. However, as with most situations that involve your Manhattan insurance, speed is of the essence if you want the best shot at the most positive outcome you can achieve.

It might be helpful to make a checklist that you can keep somewhere handy so that if something like this happens, you can refer to it and make sure you’ve done everything you can. This might be a useful starting point for your list:

  1. Don’t touch anything yet. The police may want to gather evidence and you shouldn’t contaminate what is now a crime scene.
  2. Call the police.
  3. Call your insurance agent so you can get a claim process started.
  4. Take photographs of the scene for future reference – they could prove useful in your claim.
  5. When you can, do a more thorough check to establish if any items over and above the ones you initially noted are missing.

Don’t forget that at the time, you’re likely to be shocked and traumatized to a degree. It could be all too easy to miss things when you’re in that state. A list can help focus your attention on what you need to do to get through the situation, including getting a quick start on your Manhattan insurance claim. Contact our office if you require more information.


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