Creating a Safe Workplace with New York Workers Compensation Insurance
Once you employ workers you
may need to get New
York workers compensation insurance as part of your business insurance line-up.
However, claiming on your insurance should be viewed as financial back-up only,
in case any of your staff members are injured on the job. Your first priority
should be to create and maintain a safe working environment.
As an employer it is ultimately
your responsibility to create a safe workplace. However in reality, the more
you can involve your staff in the process, the more likely it is that your safe
work policies will be effective.
Workers tend to need to feel
some level of ‘ownership’ in the workplace, or that what they do actually
counts. This could apply to their involvement in safe work practices as much as
to their job roles. When your workers feel as if they are contributing to their
workplace and that their efforts are acknowledged, they are more likely to be
encouraged to continue striving for excellence – in their own work, and in
maintaining a good safety record.
The less you have to claim on
your New York workers compensation
insurance, the better. It’s better for your business and your insurance
status, and it may be better for workplace morale. A safe work environment
could signify you have people in your business who care about both the
workplace and the people in it. That could well be a win-win situation for
everyone in your business.